Mycelium medicine for the
health and welling of country

Edible and medicinal mushrooms
to be grown by your hands

In honour of the Original Alchemist,
Mother Nature



Alchemystic Fungi was birthed as a platform to form an alliance with fungi for the benefit of all organisms. With fungi being such an integrated and powerful part of our ecosystem, we aim to facilitate their abilities for regeneration, medicine and connection to nature. Through education we aspire to facilitate people to grow their own mushrooms, integrating them into the fungal queendom, thus helping the proliferation of our ancient friends, fungi.

Learn With Us

There is strength in numbers. We believe that wisdom and knowledge has expansive capabilities when shared with the collective. Mycology is an emerging understudied mega science and art form, one with many undiscovered riddles hidden in the matrix of her powerful medicine and connectivity to life. Our blog is a space where we share practical and theoretical knowledge on how to grow and understand the mysterious nature of fungi.

Help us retore nature’s networks

  • Land Installations

    Do you have a space on your land that is waiting to be infused with nature’s grand alchemical wizards? Check out our packages or get in contact so we can co-create something for you!

  • Myceliated Products

    Mycelium in various forms to suit your fungal dreams.

  • Workshops

    We have an abundance of Fungi knowledge to share, check out our previous workshops & connect to find out when we announce upcoming events!

Meet our Team

A dynamic team of mycophiles, exploring the fringes of fungal wisdom.

Let’s Restore & Regenerate our land using the power of Nature.

The way Nature intended.

Do it for the generations to come.